Hardware is typically upgraded when it malfunctions or when it becomes too slow to meet users’ increasing demands. In information archiving, old hardware is not the only reason to look for an upgrade. Here’s a short overview of upgrade types in archiving and how to know whether you need one. Upgrading from Backup to a […]
See all entries tagged email archiving
Five Questions to Ask Before Buying an Archiving Solution [Infographic]
In regulated industries, where compliance laws mandate records retention, archiving corporate email has long been an established practice. However, as new laws gets passed and old ones get updated, it can easily happen that an archiving solution that once used to meet all your archiving needs may suddenly become inadequate. Moreover, enterprise information archiving and […]
Information Archiving – How to Approach a Long-Term Archiving Strategy
Why Every Email Matters: Learn from Politicians The former president Bush’s office reportedly amassed 200 million emails during his term. Those emails needed to be stored for historical records and security reasons. The issue with this many emails is that they can’t be put away without being checked for sensitive information. They first needed to […]
A Quick Story of Information Governance [Infographic]
Information governance is a trending topic in boardrooms across the globe. It’s a complex framework which allows organizations to control, protect, preserve and delete information in accordance with various compliance standards or best practices. It is often referred to as a super-discipline that incorporates record management, information security, eDiscovery, risk management, business intelligence and compliance. […]
The Holy Trinity of Email Archiving Software: Deduplication, Single-Instance Storage and Compression [Infographic]
Deleting email and other electronic messages in corporate environment is never the way to go. In times of intense eDiscovery, litigation and compliance procedures, deleting emails that contain valuable company data or evidence can spell disaster for your business. Email archiving allows organizations to retain, access, manage and retrieve important digital data without server overload. […]
Compatibility with Novell’s GroupWise: Jatheon’s Built-In Archiving
Buying a brand new email archiving solution or changing from one provider to another is rarely a walk in the park. Your IT team will need to carefully examine the hardware and software features that your archiving solution needs to possess. Then there are various support, monitoring and maintenance considerations. But another question that mustn’t […]
Why You Want an SSD In Your Email Archiving Appliance [Whitepaper]
Since email is a critical function for most enterprises, you need to be able to recover email messages in case of data loss or user error. Whether you need your archived data for regulatory compliance, litigation or simply for productivity purposes, you have to be able to retrieve it quickly. You want your archiving appliance […]
Email Archiving Features: Jatheon’s Search Functionality
If you get an eDiscovery request and need to quickly produce a specific email to clear your organization’s name, a single email archiving feature will save the day ‒ search. Of all the features you’ll get with your email archiving appliance, search rules them all. You’ll use it most often, so you need it to […]
Email Archiving and Redundant PSU – Yes or No?
When you decide to archive email and other online communication data, choosing the right archiving appliance is the first and most crucial step. To be able to ingest, index, store and quickly retrieve enormous quantities of email data, your archiving solution needs to be powerful and very reliable. It can’t be susceptible to data corruption, […]
Email Archiving and Network Redundancy – Yes or No?
When choosing an email archiving solution, there are 3 questions you’re probably asking yourself: Do I choose a software-only solution or do I go for on-premise archiving? Do I really have to pay through the nose to get the real deal? And finally ‒ How do I know that it’s not going to break or […]