November 06, 2017 by Bojana Krstic

Email Archiving Features: Jatheon’s Search Functionality

If you get an eDiscovery request and need to quickly produce a specific email to clear your organization’s name, a single email archiving feature will save the day ‒ search. Of all the features you’ll get with your email archiving appliance, search rules them all. You’ll use it most often, so you need it to be incredibly powerful. Here in Jatheon, we’re super proud of our search feature and we decided to tell you more about it.

Jatheon’s ergo archiving software offers two search tools ‒ quick search and advanced search. When you log in to the appliance, the first thing you’ll see is the search screen.

Quick Search

Quick search is primarily designed for end users i.e. regular staff members with basic permissions. It allows them to perform simple searches through their own mailbox, where the number of emails rarely exceeds a few hundreds or thousands. Only compliance officers and admins have special permissions and are able to search through everyone’s mailboxes.

Quick search is classic in a sense that it executes whatever search query is displayed in the text box, but it is by no means simple. It contains various search criteria which allow you to locate specific messages in an instant. You can select one or more boxes and search your archive by the user, recipient(s), subject, body or attachment. If your attachments are .pdf or word files, Jatheon’s search feature can go into the compressed attachments and actually search through them. You can also specify the date range which lets you search for data within a specific time period. For compliance officers who have access to multiple mailboxes, additional functionalities will be visible.

In email archiving, you’ll use the search feature most often, so it needs to be incredibly powerful. Share on X

Once you hit “search” and the results appear, you’ll see that our interface loosely resembles that of Microsoft Outlook, with results displayed on the left and the preview pane on the right. This vertical orientation allows you a better and familiar look at your data, but can be changed to horizontal if you go to the Reading Pane option. The results are displayed in a single list which fully and dynamically loads as you scroll. We did not want them displayed as pages, as that would prevent you from selecting hundreds of messages at once and unnecessarily complicate the entire data management process. The preview pane on the right allows you to see the actual messages with highlighted keywords you originally searched for.

Jatheon Ergo

If you get a large number of results, there is a handy option that’s called “subsearch” or “search within a search” which allows you to very quickly narrow down your results. For example, if you’re looking for all messages sent by John and you end up with 500+ results, but you’re only interested in messages John sent to Jane, you’ll be able to run a subsearch for “Jane” and get a smaller number of results that you can review and retrieve more easily.

Other search-related options allow you to manage your results – you can apply policies, forward and save your searches, export, download or print your results, verify message integrity and more.

With advanced search, you’ll find the email you’re looking for although it’s archived with 50 million other emails. Share on X

What about Advanced Search?

We designed our advanced search to make it easier to execute more complex searches. This functionality allows users, compliance officers and admins to browse and manage millions of email messages. It lets you structure your search better and leaves you with a manageable number of results even though you’re searching through terabytes of email data. There’s a whole blog post we wrote on advanced search, so why not make it your next step?

Reading about features is no fun. They have to be seen to be believed. Experience all ergo features first hand, test our software and learn more about email archiving ‒ schedule a demo and we’ll be happy to give you a tour.

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About the Author
Bojana Krstic
Bojana Krstic is the Head of Content and SEO at Jatheon and an experienced writer on topics like data archiving, ediscovery, and compliance. When AFK, you’ll find her hiking, discovering new music, or road-tripping.

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Jatheon is a “Trail Blazer” in The Radicati Group’s 2024 Information Archiving MQ

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