Information governance is a trending topic in boardrooms across the globe. It’s a complex framework which allows organizations to control, protect, preserve and delete information in accordance with various compliance standards or best practices. It is often referred to as a super-discipline that incorporates record management, information security, eDiscovery, risk management, business intelligence and compliance. […]
An Essential 3-Minute Guide to the GDPR [Infographic]
The countdown has begun. With the commencement of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) only a few months away, companies in Europe are busy trying to figure out all of its articles, recitals and fines and envision and prevent potential repercussions for non-compliance. However, European companies are not the only ones that need to […]
The Holy Trinity of Email Archiving Software: Deduplication, Single-Instance Storage and Compression [Infographic]
Deleting email and other electronic messages in corporate environment is never the way to go. In times of intense eDiscovery, litigation and compliance procedures, deleting emails that contain valuable company data or evidence can spell disaster for your business. Email archiving allows organizations to retain, access, manage and retrieve important digital data without server overload. […]
10 Really Good Reasons to Archive Email [Infographic]
Stats don’t lie. More than 90% of organizations in the US now archive their email communication, including files and attachments. However, there are still those companies that don’t quite understand the hype about email archiving. While it’s no longer possible to be completely ignorant of various laws and regulations that involve and govern the archiving […]
Comprehensive Indexing – Why It Matters in Email Archiving [Infographic]
It’s easy to find an email or a text message that you remember. The trouble begins when you need to find an email and you only remember a particular thing contained in it, be it a word, a phrase, an attached item, or maybe an important link that was in it. A good email archiving […]
Why You Want an SSD In Your Email Archiving Appliance [Whitepaper]
Since email is a critical function for most enterprises, you need to be able to recover email messages in case of data loss or user error. Whether you need your archived data for regulatory compliance, litigation or simply for productivity purposes, you have to be able to retrieve it quickly. You want your archiving appliance […]
Web and Social Media Archiving: A Compliance Guide for K-12 Schools [Whitepaper]
The majority of K-12 schools have openly embraced social media in an attempt to improve interaction with their students, parents and online community. Faced with various federal and industry regulations and laws, a large number of schools have already implemented retention systems such as email archiving. But what about your school’s Facebook and Twitter accounts? […]
Website & Social Media Archiving for Financial Services Industry [Whitepaper]
With business communication moving online, the implications of record retention laws have become a growing concern. Most businesses have already implemented retention systems such as email archiving. But what about your company’s Facebook account or the digital channels you use for internal communication? These, along with email and other web content, are subject to various […]
Social Media Retention Laws – An Overview [Infographic]
Social media is used as a business tool in over 90% of companies. But not all of them feel comfortable on social media channels. For highly regulated industries like finance, government, education or healthcare, social media can be a legal minefield. This is because all corporate activity, including posts, comments, tweets, photos or direct messages […]
Why Your Archiving Solution Needs Legal Hold Features [Whitepaper]
We now know that your company’s ESI, including email and social media content, can be used as evidence in everyday workplace disputes and legal proceedings such as investigations, Freedom of Information Act requests, lawsuits and audits. With today’s regulatory requirements, archiving email and other digital data in a manageable repository has become the only sound […]