With social media becoming so prevalent in recent years it’s no wonder governments are taking rigorous measures to keep businesses in check. Social media now constitutes official business records meaning companies have to pay attention to what information they share across their profiles. This is especially important for businesses in regulated industries where inadequate social […]
Why You Need to Archive and Monitor Social Media for Complete Compliance [Whitepaper]
Introduction: What Is Regulatory Compliance? Regulatory compliance is often defined as the goal that organizations aspire to achieve in an effort to ensure that they are aware and ready to abide by relevant laws, policies, regulations and standards. Recent research shows that there are now more than 14,000 different regulations in the United States only. […]
How to Create a Comprehensive Social Media Monitoring Strategy
In November 2018, 20,000 people protested in a massive Google walkout after it was revealed that Andy Rubin, the “father of Android”, received a $90 million severance package while Google chose to conceal the fact that his resignation had been triggered by sexual misconduct allegations. It was later revealed that Google had protected three top […]
How to Avoid the Risks of Social Media for Business [Infographic]
Social networking is no longer a new concept in business operations. It’s invaluable for marketing or customer engagement and plays a major role in attracting and retaining clients. The unique element of social, the one that makes it stand out among many other efforts to interact with clients, is the two-way nature of communication. However, […]
Jatheon CTRL: Archiving More Than Email
Approximately 90% of organizations in the United States now archive their corporate email communication, including files and attachments. The same number, 90%, use social media, be it networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, image sharing channels such as Instagram and Snapchat, video platforms such as Youtube or Vimeo, or social blogging and community […]
Web and Social Media Archiving: A Compliance Guide for K-12 Schools [Whitepaper]
The majority of K-12 schools have openly embraced social media in an attempt to improve interaction with their students, parents and online community. Faced with various federal and industry regulations and laws, a large number of schools have already implemented retention systems such as email archiving. But what about your school’s Facebook and Twitter accounts? […]
Website & Social Media Archiving for Financial Services Industry [Whitepaper]
With business communication moving online, the implications of record retention laws have become a growing concern. Most businesses have already implemented retention systems such as email archiving. But what about your company’s Facebook account or the digital channels you use for internal communication? These, along with email and other web content, are subject to various […]
Social Media Retention Laws – An Overview [Infographic]
Social media is used as a business tool in over 90% of companies. But not all of them feel comfortable on social media channels. For highly regulated industries like finance, government, education or healthcare, social media can be a legal minefield. This is because all corporate activity, including posts, comments, tweets, photos or direct messages […]