Introduction Nowadays, organizations are required to adhere to email archiving compliance legislation, and educational institutions are no exception. From the compliance perspective, running a school is like running a business. Any breach of regulations can have serious consequences for your educational institution, including fines, penalties and reputation damage. When it comes to digital data archiving […]
Email Archiving: Best Practices For Today’s Leading Enterprises [eBook]
Introduction Email archiving is an essential component of every IT environment. Whereas it used to be considered simply an additional benefit, archiving of email and other unstructured data has become a must these days, and for various reasons, including regulatory compliance and data storage concerns. The implementation of email archiving can appear daunting to any […]
Why You Need to Archive and Monitor Social Media for Complete Compliance [Whitepaper]
Introduction: What Is Regulatory Compliance? Regulatory compliance is often defined as the goal that organizations aspire to achieve in an effort to ensure that they are aware and ready to abide by relevant laws, policies, regulations and standards. Recent research shows that there are now more than 14,000 different regulations in the United States only. […]
How to Choose the Best Email Archiving Solution: 23 Features to Consider (Updated)
Introduction: Why Archive in the First Place? In modern business, email is a critical function for most enterprises. A recent report by DMR shows that an average office worker receives around 120 email messages daily. Administrators and compliance officers need to be able to recover email messages and chats in case of data loss or […]
Email Archiving Benefits for All Your Departments: Management, IT, Legal and End Users [eBook]
Introduction: Traditional and New Reasons to Archive Email When we think about email archiving and its benefits, the first advantages that come to mind are observing regulatory compliance and being prepared for electronic discovery. The laws and regulations that govern the management and preservation of email and other digital communication (and come with heavy penalties) […]
Fully GDPR Compliant Data Archiving Solutions
✔️Fully GDPR Compliant Data Archiving Solutions Retain email, social media and mobile communications in a unified, secure repository to stay in line with compliance regulations. Search personal unstructured data Article 2, 4, 9, 23, 24, 25 Use advanced search to customize your queries and find precise information in vast amounts of data in record time. […]
Jatheon Archiving Suite Product Overview
If your organization wishes to handle data archiving in house, Jatheon’s on-premise archiving solutions will let you do just that and give you that added sense of security and control over your data. Jatheon Archiving Suite is an enterprise-grade hardware archiving product that is comprised of a mandatory email archiving appliance and a proprietary software […]
Cloud Email Archiving – Jatheon Cloud Product Overview
Jatheon Cloud is a latest generation email archiving software in the cloud, designed to scale with the growth of any organization, from small to enterprise. It is a technology solution which companies use to solve all email archiving, regulatory and ediscovery challenges at once. It allows your admins, IT managers, compliance officers and regular users […]
Archiving Talks – Email Archiving: Regulations and Industry Overview
Marko: Hi, my name is Marko and I am the CEO of Jatheon Technologies. Jeff: My name is Jeff Marlow and I am the Vice President of Business Development at Jatheon Technologies. How would you describe Jatheon in one sentence? Marko: Jatheon is an information archiving company that specializes in archiving both email and unstructured […]
Email & Social Media Archiving for Education
Although K-12 schools and universities are constantly buzzing with activity, much of the conversation has moved online. Schools post updates on their social media profiles. Teachers and parents exchange information by emailing, calling and texting. The line between using these channels on and off school grounds has blurred, so it’s not surprising that the regulatory […]