Jatheon is excited to announce our position as a “Trail Blazer” in the 2024 Market Quadrant for Information Archiving by The Radicati Group. This acknowledgment highlights our commitment to providing top-tier data archiving solutions and our role in shaping the future of the information archiving industry. Jatheon stands out in the report with: Data capture […]
Why Jatheon Archive?
Discover key insights about Jatheon and our flagship product: Get a quick overview of Jatheon’s all-in-one archiving solution for compliance and ediscovery. Learn why we’re the vendor or choice for 500+ customers and the best rated archiving software on Gartner. Real-world testimonials from top regulated companies highlighting Jatheon’s impact and reliability. A snapshot of our […]
How Fontana Unified School District Enhanced Efficiency with Jatheon
Fontana Unified School District was facing significant challenges with their previous email archiving solution. These challenges included support issues, slow and glitchy software, prolonged hardware replacement times, and inefficiencies in handling large requests. Transition Process The client’s transition to Jatheon was marked by clear communication and support. Jatheon provided detailed expectations, outlining the necessary steps, […]
How Hutto ISD Seamlessly Transitioned from Gaggle to Jatheon for Enhanced Email Archiving
Jatheon partners with 500+ school districts. One of our clients, Hutto Independent School District, faced significant challenges with their previous email archiving solution, Gaggle. The issues included slow search functionality, limited export options, and a suboptimal pricing structure. Transition Process In light of the limitations and an excessive charge from Gaggle for exporting archived emails, […]
Top 5 Trends in Enterprise Data Archiving and Ediscovery
With exponential data growth across all communication channels, stringent compliance and privacy requirements, and the ever-increasing need to extract more value from data over time, we know developing a modern archive strategy isn’t easy. It requires cross-functional planning with an eye on the future, not to mention a path for a seamless migration from your […]
Enterprise Data Archiving & Ediscovery Trends This Year [Infographic]
Legislation governing the management and availability of electronically stored information is already strict and complex. With new data security laws such as GDPR being adopted in Europe and new forms of digital communications dominating the eDiscovery landscape, how is eDiscovery going to change in the following year? What kinds of data archiving solutions will be […]
8 Ways of Managing Your Company’s Email Effectively with Email Archiving [eBook]
Introduction In modern business, email is not only the fastest and most commonly used communication tool, but also the virtual file cabinet for various business records. Although e-storage has long eclipsed paper storage, many users are still uncertain about whether and why they need an archiving solution, what to archive and how to go about […]
How to Turn Your Archived Data into a Business Resource [eBook]
Executive Summary The archiving of emails and other types of digital communication data is often viewed as a regulatory compliance and storage management issue. While compliance and storage are definitely important factors, they’re not the only reasons to archive this type of unstructured data. Namely, much of the information contained in emails, instant messages, social […]
Why Hardware Redundancy Matters in Email Archiving Appliances [eBook]
Introduction Given the importance of email for today’s businesses, many companies have jumped on the email archiving bandwagon due to regulatory compliance, potential eDiscovery requests and for simple productivity purposes. With so much of your vital business information contained in your company emails, you need to make sure they are safely stored and easily available […]
How to Organize the IT Department for Efficiency [Whitepaper]
IT Department Challenges: Introduction The function of IT departments today has long evolved from fixing system failures and computer maintenance to shaping the business operation and strategy. IT sectors have become important business pillars, burdened by the ever-growing responsibility that stretches from technical fixes to regulatory compliance. In that respect, most technology researchers and professionals […]