Business information is tricky to handle if you aren’t intentional with it. That’s where information governance helps you protect and utilize information to its full potential. In this article we’ll cover: The definition of information governance, How to create an information governance framework, The role of email archiving in information governance and 4 best practices. […]
Social Media and Mobile Archiving: A Brief Guide to Jatheon CTRL [Infographic]
In times when the majority of companies archive email, what’s going on with social media and mobile content? Several laws in regulated industries, especially in verticals such as financial services, mandate the retention of social media posts, comments and conversations, as well as business-related content exchanged via mobile phones (phone calls, text messages, voicemail etc.). […]
Enterprise Information Archiving in Numbers [Infographic]
In times when data privacy laws and compliance regulations are changing fast, enterprise information archiving has become the norm ‒ best practice for some, a regulatory necessity for others. What are the digital channels that need to be retained today? Is email dying and what content from alternative communication tools do companies archive the most? […]
Five Questions to Ask Before Buying an Archiving Solution [Infographic]
In regulated industries, where compliance laws mandate records retention, archiving corporate email has long been an established practice. However, as new laws gets passed and old ones get updated, it can easily happen that an archiving solution that once used to meet all your archiving needs may suddenly become inadequate. Moreover, enterprise information archiving and […]
A Quick Story of Information Governance [Infographic]
Information governance is a trending topic in boardrooms across the globe. It’s a complex framework which allows organizations to control, protect, preserve and delete information in accordance with various compliance standards or best practices. It is often referred to as a super-discipline that incorporates record management, information security, eDiscovery, risk management, business intelligence and compliance. […]
An Essential 3-Minute Guide to the GDPR [Infographic]
The countdown has begun. With the commencement of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) only a few months away, companies in Europe are busy trying to figure out all of its articles, recitals and fines and envision and prevent potential repercussions for non-compliance. However, European companies are not the only ones that need to […]