What if your company grows and you suddenly have to deal with an additional amount of data and new mailboxes? You need an archive that has the ability to be enlarged to support the changes in your system. This increased volume of data can slow down the whole system unless you provide additional storage space […]
SAS vs. SATA Controllers: Which Is Better for Archiving and Why? [Whitepaper]
In the age of big data, with a new set of compliance regulations and laws, the choice of the right in-house email archiving software can make or break a business. The technology behind these tools is sometimes hard to grasp, but it’s necessary to understand it before making your purchase. Although there is little physical […]
ECC RAM: Data Corruption Isn’t an Option in Email Archiving [Whitepaper]
If you have decided to archive your emails and other digital communication, it is because you want them to be there when you need them, with their original content and format. In other words, data corruption isn’t an option in email archiving. Whether you need your archived data for regulatory compliance, litigation or simply for […]
5 Reasons to Choose an Archiving Appliance with Server-Grade Hardware [eBook]
Implementing an email archiving solution is a way to ensure that your company emails are going to be there when you need them. This means that your archiving solution needs to be reliable and fast. It can’t be susceptible to data corruption, hardware failure or power outages. It needs to be as powerful, fast and […]
Email Archiving and HIPAA – What You Need to Know [Infographic]
In the healthcare industry, there is no law with as much punch as HIPAA. It’s been more than 20 years since it was enacted, and yet, the risks that the healthcare industry is facing now seem more serious than ever. Data breaches, criminal attacks and employee negligence are just some of the threats that healthcare […]
Email Archiving and Sarbanes-Oxley: What You Need to Know [Infographic]
Sarbanes-Oxley is now 15 years old, but it continues to present challenges for public companies. We agree ‒ it’s very broad and it could be more straightforward. It’s no surprise you’re still unsure about the specific requirements that are applicable to your company or organization. Taking the time to understand how your business should comply […]
Protect Your Organization From Reputational and Compliance Risks [eBook]
Viewed as a part of business operations, social networking is a relatively new concept. Still, it has been used in various forms over the past decade. It is invaluable for marketing, customer engagement and many other support roles that involve attracting and retaining clients, as well as for internal communication and collaboration. The unique element […]
Why You Need to Archive Your Company’s IM Chat Logs for Complete Compliance [Whitepaper]
Over the years, instant messaging has become an invaluable tool for businesses to collaborate and share information quickly and easily, in real time. While IM platforms are increasingly popular for business purposes, they rarely have internal backup capabilities, much less the archiving tools necessary from a compliance standpoint. As most businesses and organization today are […]
Why Backing Up Is Not Enough for Compliance [Infographic]
Rather than a luxury or simply an added advantage, email archiving has become an indispensable part of business today. More and more companies are forced to archive their emails in order to meet the demands of regulatory compliance, while a growing number of businesses are starting to realize how email archiving can help boost their […]
Maximize Your Servers’ Efficiency with Email Archiving [eBook]
Recent years have brought a rapid and progressive growth of email traffic, which has increased the pressure on companies to handle their email communication and storage space more effectively. Faced with problems such as inbox overload, regulatory compliance and lack of storage space, businesses are looking for a comprehensive solution which would help them maintain […]