Archiving Talks – Main Trends in the Email Archiving Industry

by Jatheon

What are some of the major trends in the email archiving industry? How are new regulations changing the archiving landscape and why is social media archiving gaining momentum? We talked to Marko Dinic, CEO of Jatheon Technologies and Jeff Marlow, VP Business Development to get some answers.

What are some of the main industry trends?

Marko: Archiving started back in 2004 after the fall of Enron with the introduction of number of litigations, laws and this really created the industry. The trends right now is even more regulation, even in countries other than the US, in Europe. In California there is even more regulation nowadays. So, those laws tend to create the need for archiving as one of the things that companies need to do to fulfill some of the requirements. Social media archiving is a recent trend that started in the financial industry to begin with, and this is spreading across all of the education and various other verticals. Social media is a much more difficult problem than email archiving or voicemail archiving, and it requires very specific technology to address it that is just emerging. We are at the very beginning of the social media archiving trends and this will just develop over the next few years.

Jeff: I would add to that, along with the lines of what Marko just said – some of the trends have branched out from where we started. For example, in recent times, there is legislation that was passed in Europe – GDPR – that is requiring secure personal data among companies that deal with personal, consumer data and that type of legislation has translated to the types of legislation that we’re now seeing in the US. So, we feel that there’s an opportunity there is terms of expanding our own product line, our own technology, to accommodate that type of legislation that’s forthcoming.

Watch Marko Dinic and Jeff Marlow talk about the regulations and trends that will shape the email archiving industry in the complete Archiving Talks video.

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