March 15, 2023 by Bojana Krstic

Social Media Archiving Updates on Jatheon Cloud: Tagging, Export, Notes and More

The Jatheon Cloud data archiving platform is growing and, In this article, you’ll find all the recent updates related to our social media archiving options.

Just a quick reminder first.

What Social Media Can You Archive on Jatheon Cloud?

Over the last few years, we’ve enabled archiving for all major social media channels and chat apps. Right now, you can archive content from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as collaboration/chat systems like WhatsApp, Bloomberg, MS Teams and Google Chat.

There are two ways you can archive this content:

  • Independently: In this scenario, you’re using another tool to archive business email (e.g. Microsoft365 or any other third-party system), but you use Jatheon Cloud to store your official Twitter or Facebook records.
  • Integrated with email or text message archiving: This is when you use Jatheon Cloud to retain various communication channels combined, e.g. email, your official Facebook page and your employee’s phone calls and text messages.

You can search social media records through Social Media Search, where you can:

  • Select the social media network to search (e.g. a particular Facebook page, Twitter profile, Instagram account etc.)
  • Choose the type of content to search within that network (e.g. a post, a comment, an image etc.)
  • Choose the criteria like chat name or message contet
  • Use Boolean operators to set your search and specify keywords and phrases to search for

Jatheon Cloud - Social Media Search

 Jatheon Cloud - Social Media Search criteria

In the Jatheon Support Center, you’ll find more info on how to search through social media content.

What’s New?

In this most recent round of updates, we rolled out a few handy features and improvements:

  • You can now apply Personal and Retention Tags to social media items
  • You can export social media records to PDF
  • You can choose a chat name as the search criterion
  • You can add a note to a social media item

Let’s briefly go over each of these:

Apply Personal and Retention Tags

This major update allows you to tag your social media records with Personal and Retention tags.

In data archiving systems, tags allow users to organize and label messages so that it’s easy to find information related to a particular FOIA request, projects or legal cases. Personal tags on Jatheon Cloud will allow you to organize your social media archived records and find them more easily.

 Jatheon Cloud - Apply Tag (Do Not Delete tag)

On the other hand, Retention tags are used to specify retention periods for your social media records. These will depend on the relevant laws and regulations in your state, country or industry and can be customized to retain records indefinitely too.

Jatheon Cloud - FERPA Retention Tag Example

Export Social Media Records to PDF

Initially, you could export social media search results into HTML only. We now added another format – export to PDF. You’ll find it under Export:

Jatheon Cloud - Export Social Item to PDF

As with all other user actions, your social media PDF exports will also be recorded in the Audit Log.

Learn more about social media export in our How to Export Social Media Items article.

Search Records by Chat Name

When searching through social media records, you can use different criteria depending on the network you’re searching through. We added a new criterion, Chat Name, which lets you search by the name given to a specific chat (e.g. High School Reunion, Project X etc.).

Jatheon Cloud - Search by Chat Name

Add a Note to a Social Media Item

Finally, we enabled Notes for social media items. This has been a favorite feature among compliance officers and administrators in email archiving, so there wasn’t ever any doubt if we’ll include it here too.

If you haven’t come across this feature before, Notes are used to add comments to search results, single items or keyword lists and share them with other compliance officers who are working on the same case/projct with you.

Notes are rather simple to use – just click the Add Note option (see screenshot below) and write away (the character limit is 500).

 Jatheon Cloud - Add a Note to Social Media Item

Read the complete step-by-step guide on How to Manage Notes for Social Media Items.

That’s it! Our next release will be a major one, with full archiving support for Google Chat, so stay tuned!

Read Next:

How to Archive a Twitter Account for Compliance

Built-In Redaction on Jatheon Cloud Archiving Software

Microsoft Teams Archiving and Classification Tags Now Live on Jatheon Cloud

About the Author
Bojana Krstic
Bojana Krstic is the Marketing Director at Jatheon, where she leads strategic initiatives and creates content on data archiving, ediscovery, and compliance. When AFK, you’ll find her in the forest, discovering new music, or exploring the Adriatic.

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Jatheon is a “Top Player” in The Radicati Group’s 2025 Information Archiving MQ

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