With business communication moving online, the implications of record retention laws have become a growing concern. Most businesses have already implemented retention systems such as email archiving. But what about your company’s Facebook account or the digital channels you use for internal communication? These, along with email and other web content, are subject to various […]
Why Your Archiving Solution Needs Legal Hold Features [Whitepaper]
We now know that your company’s ESI, including email and social media content, can be used as evidence in everyday workplace disputes and legal proceedings such as investigations, Freedom of Information Act requests, lawsuits and audits. With today’s regulatory requirements, archiving email and other digital data in a manageable repository has become the only sound […]
SAS vs. SATA Controllers: Which Is Better for Archiving and Why? [Whitepaper]
In the age of big data, with a new set of compliance regulations and laws, the choice of the right in-house email archiving software can make or break a business. The technology behind these tools is sometimes hard to grasp, but it’s necessary to understand it before making your purchase. Although there is little physical […]
ECC RAM: Data Corruption Isn’t an Option in Email Archiving [Whitepaper]
If you have decided to archive your emails and other digital communication, it is because you want them to be there when you need them, with their original content and format. In other words, data corruption isn’t an option in email archiving. Whether you need your archived data for regulatory compliance, litigation or simply for […]
Why You Need to Archive Your Company’s IM Chat Logs for Complete Compliance [Whitepaper]
Over the years, instant messaging has become an invaluable tool for businesses to collaborate and share information quickly and easily, in real time. While IM platforms are increasingly popular for business purposes, they rarely have internal backup capabilities, much less the archiving tools necessary from a compliance standpoint. As most businesses and organization today are […]
Email Archiving – An Efficient Model for Cost Optimization [Whitepaper]
Today, when a massive bulk of critical business information is stored in employees’ inboxes, time saved through fast email communication can easily turn into time lost on meeting legal compliance needs. Organizations are obliged to meet various laws and regulations and retain records of all electronically stored communication. Consequently, there is a growing need for […]
Email Archiving Helps Law Firms Achieve Complete Compliance [Whitepaper]
Most law firms and companies operating in the legal industry are aware of certain responsibilities they have when it comes to the archiving of email and other types of internal communications under compliance legislation, but aren’t sure how to achieve complete regulatory compliance in their organizations. Law firms particularly handle sensitive information that needs to […]
Why You Have to Use Archiving for Complete Compliance [Whitepaper]
Most businesses and organizations today are aware of certain responsibilities they have when it comes to the archiving of email and other types of internal communications under compliance legislation, but aren’t sure what the purpose of regulatory compliance is or how to implement it. This whitepaper tackles the basics of compliance legislation and explains why […]
Email Archiving in the Financial Sector [Whitepaper]
While every business faces certain challenges, businesses in the financial industry face some of the toughest challenges around. There are extensive regulations governing the financial industry and most of these have an effect on the way that IT managers have to manage email archiving. Here you can read about some of the most common challenges […]
Simple Steps to Compliance [Whitepaper]
The world in which we live and do business has changed dramatically in a few short decades. The way we communicate with each other in both personal and business contexts has quickly moved to an electronic signal, one in which both short commands and massive quantities of information can be transmitted in seconds from one […]