If your organization uses email (and most do), you need to implement an email privacy policy. This article explores the nuances of such policies, particularly in light of the Email Privacy Act, offering insights for both employers and employees. Whether you’re an IT Director, Compliance Officer, or just someone looking to understand the interplay of […]
FERPA Email Communication and Archiving Guide for Education
We live in a world governed by compliance laws and legislations that span all regulated industries, including K-12 education. Understanding these laws is one of the key aspects of keeping your school district compliant and away from potential fines, as well as keeping your students’ information private. The most important law you need to be […]
Email Harassment at Work: Compliance, Legal Responses, and the Role of Data Archiving
Email harassment in the workplace is a common issue that not only affects the well-being of employees but also poses significant legal and compliance risks for organizations. This article explores the dynamics of email harassment, outlining the responsibilities of compliance and legal departments. It also highlights how effective data archiving can be in both preventing […]
New on Jatheon Cloud: Zoom Archiving
We’re proud to announce the latest enhancement to our flagship archiving product, Jatheon Cloud — the introduction of Zoom Archiving. This new feature broadens our already extensive range of archived content types, which includes email, social media, text messages, calls, and collaboration platforms like Microsoft Teams. Why Archive Zoom? For both small organizations and enterprises, […]
How Automated Archiving Systems Help You Stay Compliant
Email archiving is mandatory for companies in regulated industries. Automating the process will increase efficiency, simplify email management, and minimize errors. Here’s what we’ll cover in this article on automated archiving: An overview of email retention laws Challenges of email management What automated archive systems are How automated archiving makes your life easier Must-have archive […]
Jatheon Technologies Adds Zoom Archiving to Jatheon Cloud
TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA: Jatheon Technologies, a tech company specializing in long-term archiving and search of electronic records for compliance and ediscovery, announced the release of Zoom archiving on their AWS-based data archiving platform, Jatheon Cloud.
The Ultimate Guide to Small Business Email Archiving
When we talk about data archiving, we typically think of large-scale enterprises, especially those in highly regulated industries. However, many small and medium businesses have similar obligations in terms of email archiving. Even if they don’t, many SMBs can benefit from keeping records of their email. What’s in this guide: How small business email archiving […]
Email Archiving in the Financial Services Industry
When email became the new standard for communication, this presented the world with a new challenge — regulating how financial services firms manage their email. The solution came in the form of comprehensive email archiving of all communication records with specific laws regulating the financial sector. Today, most regulated financial services firms are required to […]
Social Media Ediscovery — Employee Misconduct Investigation
Did you know that 52% of employees witnessed harassment or illegal activities at work, with most of it happening over email, social media, or chat apps? This means that more evidence that companies need to provide to prove or disprove a case will be from these digital channels. In this article, we’ll give a comprehensive […]
Bloomberg Archiving on Jatheon Cloud (+ More Updates)
Bloomberg has long been essential among financial service professionals as the key communication tool in the industry. With large institutions like the Bank of America, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs using it, over 200 million Bloomberg emails are sent daily. Financial institutions are under continuous surveillance. Many laws govern the information flow, which […]