Email & Social Media Archiving for Education

by Jatheon

Although K-12 schools and universities are constantly buzzing with activity, much of the conversation has moved online. Schools post updates on their social media profiles. Teachers and parents exchange information by emailing, calling and texting. The line between using these channels on and off school grounds has blurred, so it’s not surprising that the regulatory landscape has become increasingly difficult to navigate.

To meet compliance with FERPA, handle lawsuits and be able to respond to public records requests, all educational institutions have to retain their electronic communications and be able to provide them upon request.

With email archiving, your school will be able to respond to Freedom of Information requests faster and more efficiently. You’ll minimize the FERPA and Federal Rules of Civil Procedure costs and prevent liability issues for your district.

A fully automated archiving process will eliminate human error, prevent accidental or intentional destruction of evidence, save time and keep your IT staff happy when a request comes in. Powerful search and audit capabilities will transform your ediscovery and audit processes. An archiving solution that can capture not only email, but social media, instant messages, calls and sms will also let you monitor employee and student communication for policy violations and provide valuable insight for all your departments.

Jatheon is an email archiving specialist with 15 years of experience in providing turn-key on-premise and cloud solutions to K-12 school districts and universities. If you’d like to learn more about Jatheon’s products and services, visit our Jatheon Cloud product page for more information.

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Jatheon is a “Top Player” in The Radicati Group’s 2025 Information Archiving MQ

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