Cloud Email Archiving – How to Use Tags on Jatheon Cloud

by Jatheon

Hi, I’m Lyto. Welcome to Inside Jatheon Cloud video series. In this video, we’ll cover tags – probably the coolest feature you’ll find on our email archiving platform. Let’s start!

Tags are a powerful feature that can be used in many different ways. From your search results, you can create a new personal tag and apply it to the selected emails. Personal tags allow users to sort, manage and search their emails more easily.

To see the list of all tags you’ve created, go to the Tags section in the side menu. You can use tags to mark certain emails as important or organize emails by projects or departments. To edit your personal tags, click Edit tag. There, you can change its name, enter a description and change the tag color. When you no longer need a particular tag, you can easily delete it as well. Later, when doing advanced searches, you can use tags as search criteria.

Every Jatheon Cloud user has access to personal tags. Compliance officers, however, have the permission to apply a special type of tags – legal hold tags – which they can apply when they anticipate litigation. Contrary to emails tagged with personal tags, those emails tagged with the legal hold tags cannot be deleted from the platform regardless of the retention period that was originally assigned to them.

If your organization receives an ediscovery request or if you’re preparing for an audit, you can freeze certain emails by applying the legal hold tag and protect them from deletion. When you need to export them for review, you can do it easily directly from the legal hold section in the side menu. Once your court case or audit is done, your compliance officer can manually remove the legal hold tag.

There you go! Before you go on a tagging adventure, don’t forget to follow our blog or visit our Support Center for more useful Jatheon Cloud articles.

For more information about our cloud solution, visit our Jatheon Cloud product page.

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Jatheon is a “Top Player” in The Radicati Group’s 2025 Information Archiving MQ

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