Implementing an email archiving solution is a way to ensure that your company emails are going to be there when you need them. This means that your archiving solution needs to be reliable and fast. It can’t be susceptible to data corruption, hardware failure or power outages. It needs to be as powerful, fast and […]
See all entries tagged email archiving
Why You Have to Use Archiving for Complete Compliance [Whitepaper]
Most businesses and organizations today are aware of certain responsibilities they have when it comes to the archiving of email and other types of internal communications under compliance legislation, but aren’t sure what the purpose of regulatory compliance is or how to implement it. This whitepaper tackles the basics of compliance legislation and explains why […]
Saved by Email Archiving and eDiscovery: AIG Lawsuit
Data compliance, email archiving and eDiscovery have been thrown into the spotlight during the recent court case taken by AIG Insurance against Bank of America, and have proven just how vital these technologies are to companies. AIG Lawsuit proves need for email archiving compliance Lawmakers have picked the entire private internal email archive at Bank […]