December 11, 2017 by Bojana Krstic

Jatheon CTRL: Archiving More Than Email

Approximately 90% of organizations in the United States now archive their corporate email communication, including files and attachments. The same number, 90%, use social media, be it networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, image sharing channels such as Instagram and Snapchat, video platforms such as Youtube or Vimeo, or social blogging and community websites like Medium, Reddit or Quora. Internally, enterprise social media tools and IM platforms help employees to solve business problems more efficiently and improve collaboration and communication. They include in-house intranet software as well as various third-party social media platforms such as Slack and Skype. With that it mind, it comes as a huge surprise to learn that only 2-7% of enterprises archive their social media content.

Social Media Archiving Has Become Mandatory

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) were amended in 2015, and with changes to Rule 34(a) the term electronically stored information (ESI) was broadened to include not only email, but also all other forms of electronic documents and information, including “writings, photographs, sound recordings, images and other data…” In other words, although social media has become an explosive business resource that we all use and love, all corporate activity on social media channels including posts, comments, tweets, photos or direct messages must now be archived and made retrievable for future reference, compliance or litigation purposes. This is especially important for organizations that belong to highly regulated industries such as finance, brokerage, education, healthcare or government.

Say Hello to Jatheon’s New Social Media Archiving Solution

In order to assist companies in capturing this incredible amount of information and facilitate compliance and eDiscovery response, Jatheon recently revealed its new social media archiving solution. The new SAAS-based solution is called Jatheon CTRL and it is offered as an additional functionality which is integrated with our existing email archiving software. Jatheon CTRL provides automatic archival of your corporate web presence on social media (all of them), allows you to monitor your social media accounts from a single platform and empowers you to stay compliant with federal, state and industry regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, GLBA, SEC, FINRA, SOX and others.

Why Integrate Social Media Archiving into Your Email Archiving Solution

Do you really want to invest time and money into exploring, choosing and implementing a whole new solution just for social media when you already archive email? A unified archive will allow you to set up everything effortlessly and continue using a familiar interface. Secondly, you have already mastered the laws, retention policies and features of your email archiver. It’s only logical that it’ll be easier to navigate this charted terrain for social media archiving as well.

To learn more about Jatheon CTRL, read these white papers on social media archiving for Government, Education and Financial sectors. For laws governing social media archiving, check out this infographic. Have more questions? Contact us for a list of answers to frequently asked questions or schedule a personal demo to experience CTRL firsthand.

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About the Author
Bojana Krstic
Bojana Krstic is the Marketing Director at Jatheon, where she leads strategic initiatives and creates content on data archiving, ediscovery, and compliance. When AFK, you’ll find her in the forest, discovering new music, or exploring the Adriatic.

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Jatheon is a “Top Player” in The Radicati Group’s 2025 Information Archiving MQ

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