May 13, 2019 by Bojana Krstic

Product Update: Improved Email Search and Export on Jatheon Cloud

New features alert! With these recent additions, you’ll be able to search your email archive and export search results with more precision and convenience. Here’s what new functionalities are waiting for you on Jatheon Cloud.

Export to PDF

Regular exports to PST or EML are useful when handling a larger number of emails. On the other hand, direct export to PDF is a convenient way of offloading emails, especially useful for smaller exports and reports. Once a file is exported to PDF, it’s easy to redact it and prevent the sharing of any sensitive information contained in the file.

Proximity Search

A significant addition is the enhancement we made to the Search functionality. When searching through subject, body and attachment fields, you’ll be able to locate emails based on how close two or more search terms appear to each other in text. This is useful when you’re looking for concepts and phrases that can be expressed in several ways.

For instance, both “the opening of a New York hotel” and “the hotel recently opened in New York” would be retrieved if proximity search was used with terms “hotel” and “New York” with a slop value (the distance between search terms) of 4. As part of Jatheon Cloud’s Advanced Search, it gives users more flexibility when performing searches and improves result relevance.

Saved Searches

Jatheon Cloud New Feature Saved Search

After creating a search, compliance officers can now save it for future reference. This is especially useful if the search is complex and needs to be re-run periodically or when there are two compliance officers working on a shared project. You will be able to see the date when the search was run and which search criteria were used. You will also be able to delete it or re-run it.

Recent Searches

Jatheon Cloud New Feature Recent Search

If you forgot to save an important search, you will be able to view the list of 25 recently executed searches. You’ll see the date when the search was originally conducted and which search criteria were used. You will also be able to re-run any search directly from the list of recent searches by clicking the Run Search action. It’s also possible to delete a search from the list of recent searches.

Audit Log

Jatheon Cloud New Feature Audit

A must-have feature for ediscovery and audits, Audit Log offers supervision capability and workflow for compliance officers. This feature allows admins and COs to monitor user activities and prevent potential data tampering by offering a read-only log which is used to track activities on the archiving platform. It also allows authorized staff members to view the history of activities of a specific user. The Audit Log on Jatheon Cloud will let you check which users looked for what data, whether they attempted to modify certain rules or whether somebody tried to overstep their authority.

In Jatheon, we put customer satisfaction first. That’s why we encourage feature requests and do our best to include them in our roadmap. If there’s a feature you’d really like to see on Jatheon Cloud, let us know.

About the Author
Bojana Krstic
Bojana Krstic is the Marketing Director at Jatheon, where she leads strategic initiatives and creates content on data archiving, ediscovery, and compliance. When AFK, you’ll find her in the forest, discovering new music, or exploring the Adriatic.

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