Jatheon Care and Free Hardware Refresh Program
When you first purchased a Jatheon cCore appliance, you also signed our Maintenance Agreement. Hardware maintenance is an important part of Jatheon Care ‒ our comprehensive, unique customer service and support plan that includes technical support, 24/7 remote monitoring, software updates etc. What differentiates Jatheon from other companies that sell on-premise archiving solutions is that we offer not only free hardware maintenance, but also complete appliance replacement.
At Jatheon, we believe that replacing a running appliance is better than replacing the one that has failed. That’s why our clients that have paid the maintenance fees regularly for the previous four years will get a brand new archiving appliance. Despite the trends in cloud technology, many of our clients still prefer the enhanced security and control offered by on-premise archiving solutions. After 15 years’ experience with archiving email, we know about the flaws of hardware solutions. We made sure our appliances are equipped with state-of-the-art enterprise grade hardware that’s reliable, robust and durable. That, however, doesn’t make them flawless. No hardware lasts forever and no matter how error-proof it’s made to be, it will still be considered “older technology” after a few years.
In Jatheon, we believe that replacing a running appliance is better than replacing the one that has failed. #EmailArchiving #HardwareReplacement Share on XBusinesses typically plan EOL for hardware after four years, when the maintenance costs slowly start to exceed the expenses of getting a brand new machine. Jatheon’s appliances contain powerful and durable hardware components that have redundancy features such as the power-supply unit and RAID array, as well as self-healing properties. These properties make it very difficult for hardware to malfunction or break down. In spite of all our efforts to prevent appliance failure, we know that the solution that could respond to all your challenges four years ago might be considered mediocre today.
In spite of all our efforts to prevent appliance failure, we know that the solution that could respond to all your challenges four years ago might be considered mediocre today. #FreeHardwareReplacement Share on XWe understand that it’s difficult to invest in an archiving appliance knowing that it might be outdated in a few years. To keep you far ahead of the technology curve, we created a unique program we’re really proud of ‒ our Free Hardware Refresh.
Who Gets New Hardware in 2018 and What to Expect?
If you are a cCore user who’s been paying maintenance regularly for the previous four years, you will be eligible for hardware refresh on the anniversary date of your purchase. After we check your eligibility for hardware replacement, a Jatheon representative will reach out and inform you about the details. Once you receive your new appliance, our Support Team will migrate your data from the old appliance to the new one and give you instructions on what to do with your old box.
Your new appliance will contain the same amount of storage space. In case you’re interested in an upgrade, make sure you contact your account manager who’ll help you calculate the best storage plan for your business. All other hardware components will be a step up ‒ we’ll ship you an appliance with a better processor and RAM memory, which means greater speed, power and efficiency of data processing and retrieval.
What Are the Next Steps?
Check your Maintenance Agreement and make sure you’ve paid all the yearly maintenance fees. In case you have any questions or need more info on Jatheon Care and hardware replacement, send us an email or give us a call.