October 18, 2019 by Jatheon

Jatheon Technologies Inc. Premieres YouTube Channel

TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA: Jatheon Technologies today announced the launch of the company’s YouTube channel – a place where everyone working with email and social media archiving will be able to watch high-quality video content on topics such as data archiving, email and social media compliance, ediscovery and the management of electronic records.

The channel is currently centered around the company’s flagship products – Jatheon Archiving Suite – the hardware solution for the archival of email and social media, and Jatheon Cloud – the cloud-based email archiving product that premiered last year. People interested in data archiving technology can use the channel to watch videos presenting Jatheon’s email archiving software, additional products and services, individual features and interviews with Jatheon key people.

Ivana Nikolic, Marketing Director at Jatheon Technologies, explains: “We’re delighted to unveil our YouTube channel and hope it will grow into the ultimate go-to place for compliance managers, IT teams and email archiving experts looking to find not only news about Jatheon’s products, but also industry insights, trends, webinars and podcasts.”

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Jatheon is a “Trail Blazer” in The Radicati Group’s 2024 Information Archiving MQ

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