March 10, 2020 by Jatheon

Jatheon Adds New Features to Its Cloud Email Archiving Solution

TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA: Jatheon Technologies, a Toronto-based company specializing in data archiving for regulated industries, is announcing an introduction of several new features and product enhancements to its cloud-based email archiving platform, Jatheon Cloud.

Since the product was launched in late 2018, the company has continually worked on accommodating customers’ feature requests and focused on improving the feature set and the overall look and feel of the platform. The recent update has made it easier for compliance officers to collaborate on an ediscovery case by adding and sharing notes, as well as track user activities in the audit log more easily. It is now possible to select a user to obtain a list of their activities only, or track the use of the platform based on activity type. This gives compliance managers and legal teams a better idea of user behavior and prevents unauthorized access to data, as well as evidence spoliation by rogue employees.

One of the priorities when designing Jatheon Cloud was a high level of flexibility and customization of user roles. With the latest update, administrators can view permissions for the default roles and use these settings as reference when tailoring custom roles. The advanced search functionality has also been updated with action descriptions to improve clarity, while new search criteria were added to make advanced searches easier and even more precise.

Jelena Popovic, who is in charge of Jatheon Cloud product development, is excited about the enhancements: “We’re continuously trying to offer a comprehensive feature set while facilitating use for end users, compliance officers, admins and managed service providers. Not only do we continually work on new features and improvements, but we also regularly update the existing feature set to make the product even better.”

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Jatheon is a “Trail Blazer” in The Radicati Group’s 2024 Information Archiving MQ

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