by Jatheon

How To Avoid The High Costs Of Non-Compliance with Email Archiving [Case Study]

At one point or another in their trajectory, most companies must face the question of which is higher, the cost of compliance or that of non-compliance.

You would be surprised how many organizations opt for non-compliance, particularly when it comes to data security, for the sake of avoiding the costs of establishing an email archive. Although decision makers and managers avoid archiving due to the costs associated with it, they should consider the substantial cost they are likely to face as a result of non-compliance.

Numerous companies and organizations lose thousands and even millions of dollars putting out fires caused by their lack of compliance, not to mention the loss of reputation, time, and peace of mind they inevitably face in such situations. Organizations can prevent troubles like these by simply implementing an archiving solution that ensures compliance with all of the necessary rules and regulations.

This study illustrates three cases of non-compliance that resulted in high monetary, reputational and political costs, and lays out different pros and cons of compliance in times of intense regulatory scrutiny.

What you will learn:

1. The basics of Compliance vs. Non-Compliance costs;
2. The basics of email archiving;
3. A constructive route towards implementing a fully compliant archiving solution.

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Jatheon is a “Top Player” in The Radicati Group’s 2025 Information Archiving MQ

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