April 13, 2018 by Bojana Krstic

What It’s Like to Work in Jatheon: An Inside Story

If you’re wondering what it feels like to be a member of the Jatheon team, you’ve come to the right page. We wrote this guide to give you info on what to expect during your hiring journey and onboarding and to dispel some myths commonly associated with remote work.

The Interviewing Process

Our interviewing process typically starts with CV screening. We love getting your resumes and learning about your skill set. We strongly encourage employee referrals because we trust that our current employees know about our needs and most certainly know some great people. Even if the position you want to apply for is not advertised at the moment, you can still apply. We’ll keep you in mind and get back to you when something in line with your qualifications comes up.

We’ll then take a good look at your resume and if you turn out to be a good fit, we’ll reach out and schedule a call. In Jatheon, we love video calls and we’ll ask you to turn on the camera for the interview. We think video chats feel more natural, make it easier to get to know each other and help us keep misunderstandings to a minimum. We do it because we know how important nonverbal communication and visual cues are for us to learn more about who you are.

The next step in our hiring process is the technical interview. The focus is clearly on the technical skills you need to possess for the position you’re applying for. Depending on the position, this round may include tests, assignments or even role play. This means that there might be several people present in your interview. Don’t panic! We don’t do this to scare you, but rather to see how you would click with the rest of the team. This is a great chance for you to shine and show us your expertise, but also to learn more about our products, your potential teammates and ask some questions. The last stage is a final interview with an offer.


You said yes! Here’s how your Jatheon journey continues. Even before your day one, you’ll be directed to our Onboarding Trello Board. Once the formalities are done (getting a company email, getting various accounts and signing some documents), you’ll get to meet the team, talk to your team lead, attend an onboarding presentation and learn about us and our product and services.

Starting a new job can be confusing and scary, so we designed the Trello experience to help you settle in, make the transition easier, help you stay organized and have fun doing it. Our Trello-based onboarding process is self-driven and it allows you to show initiative and have autonomy from the very beginning. We really value these skills and think they are a must-have for everyone working remotely.

But that doesn’t mean we’ll hang you out to dry. You’ll be assigned a Buddy, a peer mentor to help you settle in. Your Buddy will be your primary point of contact and provide guidance and encouragement during your first months in Jatheon.

Home office

Jatheon Culture

There’s not much hierarchy in Jatheon. Everyone in the company is an expert at something and knows more about it than anyone else. That’s why we want our team members to be able to show initiative, authority, autonomy and be proactive. We’re a flat organization that strongly believes that everyone should be involved in the decision-making process, rather than be supervised by several layers of management. We strive for openness, transparency and immediacy in communication between teams ‒ something that truly has to be a priority when you’re in a fully remote team. To align our efforts, ensure collaboration and focus and make sure everyone knows what’s going on in the company, we’ve recently implemented the OKR system.

Working Hours

We believe that work can feel different from the traditional 9 to 5, so we strive to support flexible working hours across the organization. Each team might have its own core hours, typically four hours when all team members must be reachable. The purpose of core hours is to facilitate communication within teams and boost efficiency. We don’t enjoy micromanagement and try not to insist that you work specific hours unless that’s required by your role. We want you to work when you’re inspired and motivated, be it morning, afternoon or night. It’s the results, responsibility and accountability that we value, not only your presence. We believe that nothing makes people happier than a good work/life balance, so it’s our mission to give you the working conditions that’ll help you achieve that. We want you to have freedom and autonomy but also take full responsibility for the work you do.

Remote Work Environment

We do have two brick-and-mortar offices, but we use them for occasional meetings and workshops. We take great pride in being able to run Jatheon remotely. Bored with the morning commute and craving to be a digital nomad? We’ve all been there. Research shows that remote workers outperform office workers, and we are a living proof. We believe that work should never lock you down or stop you from doing what you love ‒ be it taking a break on your own couch, spending more time with the kids, cruising the Mediterranean or working in a hammock under a palm tree. At Jatheon, you can take your work wherever you want, as long as you’re available and efficient.

Remote working

Internal Communication

We are a fully distributed team, so we can’t imagine a day without Slack. It’s our online space where we have everything we need ‒ we can chat, share screens, give presentations, invite guests, organize video meetings and reach our co-workers in seconds although they might be thousands of miles away. Our channels are divided by departments, products and topics, but there’s also a channel that we use only for fun. To increase transparency and collaboration among departments, we strongly encourage people to use public channels. Some other tools and apps we regularly use are Jira, Asana, Zendesk, Skype, GoToMeeting etc.

Team Bonding

It’s never “all work no play” in Jatheon. As our team is often scattered around Europe and across the Atlantic, we cherish our face-to-face hangouts, and we try to get together as often as possible. Individual teams organize their own meetups once or twice a year, but we like to host company meetups and getaways at least once a year. Escape rooms, bowling, trekking, karting, rafting or dining al fresco ‒ bringing the team together for a mix of work and fun is what matters during those couple of days. We use this time together to have meetings, sum up results, celebrate our successes and talk about the future.

office meeting


Apart from company getaways and a fully remote working environment, there are many other benefits that you can enjoy when working with us. We provide all employees with state-of-the-art laptops, hardware and software, and any other supporting equipment they might need. We always encourage professional growth and self-development and regularly attend conferences, webinars and workshops. We also give all our employees exclusive access to best courses at Udemy, Lynda and Hubspot Academy. To promote learning and knowledge sharing, we designed an employee-to-employee teaching network and organize 30-minute Munch and Learn sessions every Friday. We use this time to share what we know with other team members and help each other learn, grow, and get a fresh perspective of what people in other departments are good at or interested in.

Excited to apply? We thought so!

You can contact us directly through the live chat on our website or send us an email at careers@jatheon.com. Check our Careers Page for open positions and testimonials. We’re eagerly waiting for your resume!

About the Author
Bojana Krstic
Bojana Krstic is the Marketing Director at Jatheon, where she leads strategic initiatives and creates content on data archiving, ediscovery, and compliance. When AFK, you’ll find her in the forest, discovering new music, or exploring the Adriatic.

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